The ROAM Framework

The ROAM Framework

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

The ROAM Framework is a systematic process I’ve developed for growing businesses. It consists of four chronological steps:

Research ⇢ Outline ⇢ Attack ⇢ Maximize

This framework is my North Star—the guiding structure I’ll use to deliver results for your company. It also serves as the roadmap for every service I offer. Though the specific tasks vary by service, here’s what you can expect to find in each phase.


Learning, preparing, and setting the stage; these activities define the Research Phase. Every business offers unique products/services to unique customers in unique markets. So I start every project by diving into the details. What are your goals? Who are you competing against? What examples can we frame our project around? To reach our destination, we have to decide where we’re going and equip ourselves for the journey. This is where that happens.

During this phase, I will . . .
During this phase, I will

determine your specific goals

gain access to all relevant platforms

conduct a targeted business audit

evaluate competitors + establish benchmarks

collect your brand assets + content repository


The Outline Phase is where thoughts turn into concrete plans. We have our destination, we have our equipment; it’s time for the map. Wireframes, mockups, strategies, and usability studies make their home here. Too many marketing projects end in disappointment and frustration due to a simple lack of direction. The Outline Phase exists to repel that disaster—and to ensure that when the heavy lifting starts, it’s pushing us toward our goal. 

During this phase, I will . . .
During this phase, I will

document funnels, strategies, & schedules

build wireframes, examples, & mockups

install analytics + tracking tags

configure key software packages

create audiences + execute usability studies


“'Attack? That word is a bit aggressive, isn’t it?” Yes, it is indeed; and it’s the only word potent enough to describe what I do. The Attack Phase is when I use everything I’ve learned to rapidly build and execute the project. Websites are born; email flows emerge; ad campaigns lift off; fireworks explode; there’s tons of exciting activity here. (Fast, efficient work; not the meandering baby steps of typical marketing projects.) Destination in mind, map in hand, I’ll grind tirelessly to bring us to the finish line.

During this phase, I will . . .
During this phase, I will

build, design, & develop final deliverables

write targeted sales copy

resolve identified issues

integrate brand assets + design preferences

launch assets upon approval


“We made it! *high fives all around* So where do we go from here?” Surprise: the end is really the beginning. Because a new website, email flow, or ad campaign is fun; but is it working? And can it be better? The Maximize Phase is all about answering these questions. Success is a moving target; I won’t abandon you to hunt it down on your own. Instead, I’ll stay on to help you analyze, tweak, test, and optimize. In the end, these deliverables are all tools to grow your business—and tools need to be sharpened.

During this phase, I will . . .
During this phase, I will

monitor + analyze results vs. benchmarks

deliver performance reports

run A/B tests to improve performance

update deliverables based on request

provide ongoing technical + strategic support

Indepedent marketing agency based in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, working with clients worldwide.


© Core Nomad 2024

Indepedent marketing agency based in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, working with clients worldwide.


© Core Nomad 2024

Indepedent marketing agency based in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, working with clients worldwide.


© Core Nomad 2024